Well if you are then check out the new blog Practical Scrappers a blog dedicated to making use of those neglected supplies that have been sitting there unused for so long!! My friend Ashlee, is on their design team and I can't wait to see what the first challenge was! But to celebrate their kick-off, they are giving away some blog candy!! Here's how you can get a chance to win those goodies!!
1. Become a follower of the Practical Scrappers blog.
2. If you post on YOUR blog, about their giveaway, they will throw your name in the bag twice. Leave them a comment and tell them!!
Become a follower and stay tuned for the results of the first challenge, to be revealed Monday, August 3rd!!!
So go visit, leave a comment and good luck!! And my blog candy package is getting bigger and bigger!! Won't be long now!! Happy Crafting!!
I really like your work and it's so much fun to see what you come up with next. My DGD loves to look thru her albums-I hope she feels that way when she is 16 and 25 and older!