
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Don't lose your pictures.

One thing that I am really good about is keeping my photo's organized. However, I am not good about making sure they are backed up to another sorce other than my computers. I always meant too and then can you guess what happened one day? My desktop crashed and the idea that I lost so many photo's just made me cry! Fortunatly, my husband was able to fix it with a hair dryer of all things and as soon as it was up and running again, I moved all my pic's to an external hard drive. Just a couple of weeks later, it crashed again and I'm not sure we can fix it this time. So one of my goals this year is to make sure that they are backed up EVERY MONTH!! I would also like to learn to use my camera on manual setting and take better photos. So I am going to start posting monthly reminders to back up your photos, and also share one of my favorite photos of the month. Hopefully it will help me to get them backed up and remind you that you need to as well. I would hate for one of my readers to lose their photos. That's one of those things you can't replace!!

This photo is from my oldest son's scout meeting last month. He sold enough popcorn to earn a marshmallow shooter. He was so excited and when he got it, you could tell by the expression on his face! How could I lose such a cute photo?!?

Back 'em up, every month! Happy crafting!


  1. Good advice. I keep everything on an external hard drive.

    I really like your 2011 layout! Great color combination.. with the bling and your flower....good job!

  2. Thank you so much for the reminder!!! :) I have not one, but two!, external hard drives (doesn't mean I'm so good about using them, though). I lost a ton of my daughter's baby pictures when our computer crashed a few years ago. :( That's a lesson I should only have to learn once!

    Your son is adorable, by the way!

  3. great idea! can i ask what type of ext hd you got? We're looking for one for our family:)

  4. Jenny-We have a My Passport (I think) We back up our photos and our downloaded music to it and we are supposed to keep it in our fire safe box, but that doesn't always happen. We need to be better about that!


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